"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words"
Ansel Adams
Algarvestar0 chat_bubble3 visibility1.943
world of Izalon Algarvestar1 chat_bubble5 visibility2.572
LOOK TO MY SAD EYES zairestar1 chat_bubble3 visibility2.551
Son of war serra de serpastar1 chat_bubble3 visibility1.608
D. Virginia - La Pas... Algarvestar1 chat_bubble5 visibility2.031
Silent Screams Algarvestar4 chat_bubble9 visibility2.501
box of dreams Algarvestar0 chat_bubble7 visibility1.872
storming days serra de serpastar0 chat_bubble1 visibility1.812
el regreso de la man... 49 fotos